Compassionately-Sourced Diamonds

Ethical Sourcing

When luxury and compassion become one.

Harry Kotlar maintains a standard of perfection when selecting diamonds. Aside from only using the rarest diamonds for our jewelry pieces, our sense of compassion and civic responsibility are always present.

Although it’s a rarity in the world of fine jewelry for a company to maintain these ethical standards, Harry Kotlar believes that social conscience and transparency are the highest mark of luxury.


Selecting Diamond Sources

Harry Kotlar maintains the most meticulous standards and principles when working with diamond sources from Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa as well as cutting and polishing factories from Antwerp and Israel. These sources and factories are subjected to a thorough and rigorous screening process to ensure the integrity of their operations.

Our responsibility doesn’t end once a partner is chosen. We practice due diligence and conduct regular inspections to ensure that they conform to the standards that we established at the beginning of our partnership.


Selecting Diamond Laboratories

Harry Kotlar only use reputable independent diamond laboratories which has the most accurate and precise standards in the industry. The two main laboratories we worked with are American Gem Society Laboratory (AGS) and Gemological Institute of America Laboratory (GIA).


Giving Back


By working with ethical sources, Harry Kotlar contributes to the growth of local communities. Jobs are created and bright futures are secured.

Community-building doesn’t end with job creation. The diamond sources and cutting factories we worked with adhere to the environmental standards of their localities. By safeguarding the environment, the health and livelihoods of those who live in the vicinity are likewise secured.


The Luxury of Vigilance

We are fully committed to using only ethically-sourced diamonds.

Vigilance is maintained at every step - from selecting diamond sources & factories, consistently reviewing their practices, creating a masterpiece by hand to communicating our core ideals. Our commitment to our communities, partners, and clients is truly never ending.